
Author: Dovilė Zavedskaitė

This play is ironic dramatic caricature. Impulse to write an absurd play came from observations of society actions, from realizing that in the background of the current government absurd is no longer nonsense but reflection of repeating political and social events. It is a critical commentary on today’s Lithuania composed of short legends from the media. Caricature is developed through lines of three children - standard, taken and killed. Who didn’t cut nail for whom? Who has been locked in a room? Who bought artificial snow and put it in a place unreachable for kids? Play consciously refuses to deepen into parents-children archetypes, here they are only a medium to transmit views on defects of current public communications which is determinant for common sense of confusion in the society.

From beginning

Author: Irena Kunevičiūtė

This play is about a woman who tries to escape her problems by establishing a new state. It is an interactive play so audience is also participating in seven day long process of establishment. Audience is making all the decisions, from the name of the country to destinies of the characters. In those seven days main characters’ motivation comes clear, country is prospering, attracts attention from all over the world and suffers a disaster.

Like its main character, the play is walking the thin line between reality and fantasy. The world, developed in the beginning of the play starts to crumble when she remembers recent events of her life. Finally, when wall of fantasy start falling down both the audience and the characters see that the country they’ve established looks differently in real world.

Mothers and their sons

Author: Matas Vildžius

After his mother’s funeral Man comes to his ex-wife, but a short visit turns into a role play. Woman is drawn to play Man’s mother, Man has to repeat the beginning of their relationship. In a common parlour room archetype of mother comes to life and makes think about life examples seen in childhood and who is to blame for disability to understand your partner.

Dusty Mirrors

Author: Raimundas Klezys

What’s nicer in life? Tell me, I’m very interested. You want an apple? (Throws one more apple to the wall) What’s nicer I ask you. Why so silent? You don’t like apples? Okay, let’s talk about art. Malevich. How do you like him? Nice? I’m fucking asking you. How do you know what is nice and what is not? (Throws an apple to the wall).

Are you sleeping with Pablo Picasso and you’re discussing what’s nice and what’s not? Or maybe Mona Lisa is your girlfriend and whispers you the newest trends of nice and not nice? Why so silent? Tell me, how do you know that I’ve drawn nice and Mickevičius has drawn better? How do you know, I ask you? Tell me. Why so silent? Have you been digging potatoes with Rembrandt and when you sat down to rest, he gave you a lecture about beauty? No? Well, then maybe you go to Varėna with Van Gog to pick mushrooms in the fall, and while you’re picking it, you discuss the concept of beauty? Also no?